Job Title: 


Alternate Titles: 

Archivist,Conservator,Curator,Keeper (art galley),Museum officer

Job Description: 

Archivists and curators collect, appraise and preserve collections of recorded and other material of historical interest.


Entrants require a good first degree in order to gain entry to a relevant postgraduate course. Many postgraduate courses also require applicants to have gained relevant practical experience prior to entry. Training is typically received on-the-job. Professional qualifications leading to NVQs/SVQs in relevant areas at Levels 3, 4 and 5 are available.
Refer The S/NVQ framework for more details


The simplified NS-SEC analytic class for this code is 2
The simplified NS-SEC operational category for this code is 4.1
Refer The National Statistics Socio-economic Classification for more details


  • examines, appraises and advises on the acquisition of exhibits, historic records, government papers and other material;
  • classifies material and arranges for its safe keeping and preservation;
  • maintains indexes, bibliographies and descriptive details of archive material and arranges for reproductions of items where necessary;
  • examines objects to identify any damage and carries out necessary restoration whilst preserving original characteristics;
  • makes sure that storage and display conditions protect objects from deterioration and damage;
  • allows access to original material or material not on display for researchers;
  • develops and promotes ideas for exhibitions and displays;
  • negotiates loans of material for specialist displays;
  • liaises with school and other groups or individuals, publicises exhibits and arranges special displays for general, specialised or educational interest;
  • answers verbal or written enquiries and gives advice on exhibits or other material.
International Careers(ISCO): 
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