United States
7515-Food and Beverage Tasters and Graders
Job Title:
Food and Beverage Tasters and Graders
Job Description:
Food and beverage tasters and graders inspect, taste and grade various types of agricultural products, food and beverages.
Tasks include:
- inspecting, testing, tasting and smelling agricultural products, food and beverages at various stages of processing
- determining quality, acceptability to consumer tastes and approximate value of products and grading them into appropriate classes
- discarding inferior products
- recording the grade and/or identification numbers on tags, receiving, or sales sheets
- weighing and measuring products
Additional Notes:
This unit group includes
Coffee and tea taster
Specific Occupations:
Coffee and tea taster
Other food and beverage tasters and graders
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source: SINGAPORE STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 2015, Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore