United States
4322-Production Clerks
Job Title:
Production Clerks
Job Description:
Production clerks compute quantities of materials required at specified dates for manufacturing, construction and similar production programmes, and prepare and check production operation schedules.
Tasks include:
- computing quantities, qualities and types of materials required by production programme
- preparing production requirements schedules, ensuring that materials are available when needed and keeping relevant records
- preparing or assisting in the preparation of production operation schedules on the basis of customers' orders and production capacity and performance
- verifying stocks, arranging deliveries and investigating delays
- recording and coordinating the flow of work and materials between departments
Additional Notes:
This unit group includes
Planning clerk (materials supply)
Co-ordinating clerk (production planning)
Specific Occupations:
Material planning clerk
Production planning clerk
Other production clerks
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source: SINGAPORE STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 2015, Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore