United States
3141-Life Science Technicians (Except Medical)
Job Title:
Life Science Technicians (Except Medical)
Job Description:
Life science technicians (except medical) provide technical support to life science professionals undertaking research, analysis and testing of living organisms, and development and application of products and processes resulting from research in areas such as agriculture, natural resource management, environmental protection, plant and animal biology, microbiology and cell and molecular biology.
Tasks include:
- assisting in designing, setting up and conducting experiments
- setting up, calibrating, operating and maintaining laboratory instruments and equipment
- collecting and preparing specimens and samples, chemical solutions and slides and growing cultures for use in experiments
- performing routine field and laboratory tests
- monitoring experiments to ensure adherence to correct laboratory quality control procedures and health and safety guidelines
- making observations of tests, and analysing, calculating, recording and reporting test results using appropriate scientific methods
- preserving, classifying and cataloguing specimens and samples
- keeping detailed logs of worked performed
- using computers to develop models and analyse data
- using complex and high-powered equipment to perform work
- participating in the research, development and manufacture of products and processes
- ordering and stocking laboratory supplies
- maintaining relevant databases
Additional Notes:
This unit group includes
Biological technician
Biochemistry technician
Bacteriology technician
Food science technician
Tissue culture technician (non-plant)
This unit group excludes
Medical laboratory technician (3212)
Pathology technician (3212)
Pharmacy technician (3213)
Tissue culture technician (plant) (3142)
Specific Occupations:
Biological technician
Food science technician
Clinical research coordinator
Other life science technicians
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source: SINGAPORE STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION 2015, Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore