United States
4313-Payroll Clerks
Job Title:
Payroll Clerks
Job Description:
Payroll clerks collect, verify and process payroll information and compute pay and benefit entitlements for employees within a department, company or other establishment.
Maintaining records of employee attendance, leave and overtime to calculate pay and benefit entitlements, using manual or computerized systems
Linked Education ( CESM Codes ) :
402 - Accounting and Related Services
Specific Occupations:
431301 - Payroll Clerk
Description : Prepares payroll, wages and related records for employee salaries and statutory record keeping purposes.
Green Occupation : No
Green Skill : NoTrade : No
Specializations : Pay Clerk, Payroll Assistant, Payroll Consultant, Payroll Coordinator, Salaries Administrator, Salaries Clerk, Salaries Officer, Wage Clerk
International Careers(ISCO):
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
Source Of Info:
Source : Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) 2013, Department of Higher Education and Training, Republic of South Africa