United States
9334-Shelf fillers
Job Title:
Shelf fillers
Job Description:
Shelf fillers stock shelves and display areas and keep stock clean and in order in supermarkets and other retail and wholesale shops.
Tasks include
- placing goods neatly in bins and on racks, and stacking bulky goods on floors
- filling shelves with goods ensuring goods with the earliest use-by dates are at the front of shelves
- removing goods with past due use-by dates
- maintaining shelf order by removing stock belonging in a different location
- noting what has been sold and collecting goods needed from the stockroom
- obtaining articles for customers from shelf or stockroom
- directing customers to location of articles sought
- receiving, opening, unpacking, and inspecting for damage merchandise from manufacturer or distributor.
Specific Occupations:
Filler/ Handler (stock )/ Assistant, cabinet: supermarket (filling shelf, fridge or freezer)/Assistant, evening fill
Assistant, grocery: filling shelf, fridge or freezer/Assistant, merchandise: filling shelf, fridge or freezer/Assistant, nightfill/Assistant, sales: filling shelf, fridge or freezer/Assistant, sales: nightfill/Assistant, sales: supermarket (stock control)
Captain, night: supermarket/Filler, day/Filler, evening /Filler, night/Filler, shelf/Nightfiller
Re filler, filling shelf, fridge or freezer/Replenisher, shelf/Replenisher, stock/ Packer, shelf, night fill
Stacker, shelf/ Stocker, shelf/ Worker, night fill
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Source Of Info:
Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2435