8342-Earthmoving and related plant operators

Job Title: 

Earthmoving and related plant operators

Job Description: 

Earthmoving and related plant operators operate machines to excavate, grade, level, smooth and compact earth or similar materials.


Tasks include

  • operating and monitoring excavating machinery equipped with moveable shovel, grab-bucket or dragline bucket, to excavate and move earth, rock, sand, gravel or similar materials
  • operating and monitoring machinery for digging trenches for sewers, drainage, water, oil, gas or similar pipelines
  • operating and monitoring machinery equipped with concave steel blade to move, distribute and level earth, sand, snow and other materials
  • operating and monitoring equipment to remove sand, gravel and mud from bottom of body of water
  • operating and monitoring machines for hammering wooden, concrete or steel piles into ground
  • operating and monitoring power roller to compact and smooth layers of materials in making roads, pavements and similar work
  • operating and monitoring machines which spread and smooth concrete or bituminous or tar preparationsto construct roadways, roads or similar surfaces.
Specific Occupations: 

Driver/Operator (dragline-bucket/ dragline/ dredge/ pile-driver/ concrete finishing machine (road paving)/ paving/ road surface laying machinery/ Pneumatic drill)

Operator paving machinery (bituminous/concrete)

Attendant, sand stowing hopper

Driver, tar-spreading machine/ Operator, spreader: tar

Driver/operator (shovel (mechanical)/ excavating machine/ digger (trench digging)

Driver/ operator (bulldozer/ road grader and scraper/ mate, road roller/ digger: trench digging/Driver, steamroller/Driver, streetsweeper.

Driver/operator spreader (concrete/asphalt)/ strike off machine (concrete paving)/ earth-moving equipment/ machinery construction (tunneling/ tamping/ earth-boring construction/ air drill/Operator, front-end loaderOperator, grader and scraper: construction/Operator, machine: drain installation

Operator, snow groomer/Operator, spreader: stone (construction)/operator, drilling plant

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, PSCO-2411