United States
Tabla Maker
Tabla Manufacturer
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The tasks a Tabla Maker (Musical Instrument) is expected to perform include:
Collecting cone or dome shaped wooden, metal or clay body of required size open at one end
Assembling other instrument parts such as soft leather of desired thickness, leather straps, cords, brass rings as necessary for different types of tablas
Cutting and sizing leather to close mouth of reed and punching holes around the edge of the leather cover
Placing punched cover over mouth of vessel and passing leather straps through holes
Inserting guides through leather straps and fastening leather cover to body
Securing it tightly at bottom of vessel and tying it to a brass or leather ring
Applying special ink mixed with special wax on central portion of leather top for proper tuning
Knowledge of collecting the right type of cone or dome shaped wood, metal or clay body
Competent in working with different materials, such as soft leather, leather straps, cords and brass rings necessary for different types of tabla
Well-versed with testing the tone of the tabla by striking or drumming with fingers
Proficiency in tuning the tabla to required pitch by tightening leather straps and changing position of guides
Ability to repair and tune used tablas
Attention to detail
Ability to work independently
Diligent and hardworking
Ability to focus for long hours
Dexterity of hands
Interest in music
It requires one to be on their toes
Need not handle a team
Local travelling is not a part of this job role
Part-time work and contractual jobs are available in some cities
Work from home option is not available
Working hours
Musical instrument crafters usually work for 6 days a week and 8/10 hours everyday. This may vary from unit to unit
Shift system maybe available
Being self-employed is also an option. In this case, working hours and days are flexible
Is the job suitable for a candidate with special needs?
This job is suitable for candidates with One Leg ( OL), Both Legs (BL), Blind (B), Low Vision (LV)and Hearing Impaired (HH)
The job is considered mildly hazardous or dangerous
Occupational hazards may include musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory disorders, injuries, skin problems, allergic reaction, incorrect posture, excessive force, overuse, stress, and insufficient rest, etc.
Health risks include exposure to harmful levels of volatile glue and solvent used in paint and coating, sharp cutting tools, exposure to wood and metal chips, leather particles and dust, lifting, pushing, pulling, and repetitive tasks, confined spaces, etc.
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Significant Growth of Indian Musical Instrument Industry
Indian culture has been emotionally involved with music since a long time, with Indian classic music being the most famous among Indians till the time globalization took place in the country. Due to the adoptive nature of Indian consumers, western culture followers have been continuously increasing in India over the years. Initially, focus of Indian manufacturers was limited only to Indian musical instruments but rising demand for western musical instruments has generated huge potential for growth in the future. The domestic manufacturers have started manufacturing western musical instruments which are in massive demand.
According to ?India Western Musical Instruments Market Forecast & Opportunities, 2017?, India western musical instruments market has been anticipated to reach 542.84 crores by 2017. Increasing number of music lovers, disposable income of Indian consumers, availability of the western and Indian music instruments, digitalization of the instruments and decreasing cost of instruments are the major factors which are driving the industry forward. As the industry grows, so will the job opportunities for Tabla Maker (Musical Instrument).
Tabla manufacturers across India
Cities and towns across India
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