United States
9411-Fast food preparers
Job Title ( International classification ):
Fast food preparers
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Fast food preparers prepare and cook to order a limited range of foods or beverages that involve simple preparation processes and a small number of ingredients. They may take orders from customers and serve at counters or tables.
Main Tasks include -
- (a) preparing simple or pre-prepared foods and beverages such as sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, fish and chips, salads, and coffee
- (b) washing, cutting, measuring and mixing foods for cooking
- (c) operating large-volume single-process cooking equipment such as grills, deep-fat fryers or griddles
- (d) re-heating pre-prepared food (e) cleaning food preparation areas, cooking surfaces and utensils
- (f) taking and serving food and beverage orders in eating places that specialize in fast service and carry-out food
- (g) ordering and taking delivery of fast food ingredients
- (h) maintaining sanitation, health, and safety standards in work areas. (i) operating large-volume cooking equipment such as grills, deep-fat fryers, or griddles. (j) verifying that prepared food meets requirements for quality and quantity.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Fast-food cook
- Short order Cook
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Chef-3434
- Cook-5120
- Food service counter attendant - 5246
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