United States
9215-Forestry labourers
Job Title ( International classification ):
Forestry labourers
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Forestry labourers perform simple and routine tasks to cultivate and maintain natural and plantation forests, and logging, felling and sawing trees.
Main Tasks include -
- (a) digging holes for tree planting
- (b) stacking and loading logs and timber
- (c) clearing undergrowth in forest stands and thinning young plantations
- (d) maintaining look-out for fires in forests
- (e) removing major branches and tree tops, trimming branches and sawing trunks into logs
- (f) operating and maintaining manual and hand held machine saws to fell trees and cut felled trees and branches into logs
- (g) collecting seeds, and planting seedlings
- (h) performing minor repairs and maintenance of forest roads, buildings, facilities, and equipment.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Axeman/woman
- Forestry labourer
- Tree planter
Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Forestry worker (skilled)- 6210
Careers Indian Standards:
Careers ( AUS/NZ Standards ):
Careers ( UK Standards ):
Careers ( Canadian Standards ):
Careers (European Standards):
Careers ( Pakistan Standards):
Careers (Singapore Standards):