6222-Inland and coastal waters fishery workers

Job Title ( International classification ): 
Inland and coastal waters fishery workers
ISCO Code: 
Job Description: 
Inland and coastal waters fishery workers, alone or as members of fishing-vessel crews, catch fish or gather other forms of aquatic life in inland or coastal waters, for sale or delivery on a regular basis to wholesale buyers, marketing organizations or at markets

Main Tasks include -

  • (a) preparing and repairing nets and other fishing gear and equipment
  • (b) selecting area for fishing, plotting courses and computing navigational positions using compass, charts and other aids
  • (c) operating fishing vessels to, from and at fishing grounds
  • (d) baiting, setting, operating and hauling in fishing gear by hand or using hoisting equipment
  • (e) gathering various forms of aquatic life from shores and shallow waters
  • (f) maintaining engine fishing gear and other on-board equipment
  • (g) keeping records of transactions, fishing activities, weather and sea conditions and estimating costs and budgets
  • (h) sorting, and storing catch in holds with salt and ice
  • (i) removing catches from fishing equipment, measuring them to ensure compliance with legal size and returning undesirable or illegal catches to the water
  • (j) direct fishing operations, and supervising fishing crew members.

Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Coastal fishery skipper
- Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Fisherman/woman (coastal waters)
- Fisherwoman/man (inland waters)


Some related occupations classified elsewhere:
- Fishing operations manager - 1312
- Deep sea fisherman/woman - 6223
- Fishing labourer - 9216

Careers ( AUS/NZ Standards ): 
Careers ( Canadian Standards ): 
Careers (European Standards): 
Careers ( Pakistan Standards): 
Careers (Singapore Standards):