United States
2621-Archivists and curators
Job Title ( International classification ):
Archivists and curators
ISCO Code:
Job Description:
Archivists and curators collect, appraise and ensure the safekeeping and preservation of the contents of archives, artifacts and records of historical, cultural, administrative and artistic interest, and of art and other objects. They plan, devise and implement systems for the safekeeping of records and historically valuable documents
Main Tasks include -
- (a) evaluating and preserving records for administrative, historical, legal, evidential and other purposes
- (b) directing or carrying out the preparation of indexes, bibliographies, microfilm copies and other reference aids to the collected material and making them available to users
- (c) researching the origin, distribution and use of materials and objects of cultural and historical interest
- (d) organizing, developing and maintaining collections of artistic, cultural, scientific or historically significant items
- (e) directing or undertaking classification and cataloguing of museum and art gallery collections and organizing exhibitions
- (f) researching into, appraising, and developing, organizing and preserving historically significant and valuable documents such as government papers, private papers, photographs, maps, manuscripts audio-visual materials
- (g) preparing scholarly papers and reports
- (h) planning and implementing the computerized management of archives and electronic records
- (i) organizing exhibitions at museums and art galleries, publicizing exhibits and arranging special displays for general, specialized or educational interest
- (j) appraising and acquiring archival materials to build and develop an archival collection for research purposes.
Examples of the occupations classified here:
- Archivist
- Art gallery curator
- Museum curator
- Records manager
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