United States
Course Title:
Course Definition:
Instructional programs that focus on the systematic study of social systems, social institutions, and social behavior.
Course Sub Families Description:
For description refer the sub course(s)
Social Sciences, General.
A program that focuses on the general study of human social behavior and social institutions using any of the methodologies common to the social sciences and/or history, or an undifferentiated program of study in the social sciences.
Connected Careers
Research Methodology and Quantitative Methods.
A program that focuses on the design of research studies, measurement of variables, data analysis, and formulation of models. Includes instruction in experimental, quasi-experimental, and case study methods; historical research; participant observation; questionnaire design; sampling theory; and statistical methods.
Connected Careers
Survey Research/Methodology.
A program that focuses on survey research design to gather data about behaviors, demographics, opinions, and data analysis to answer complex questions. Includes instruction in the analysis of survey data, cross-cultural and multi-population survey methodology, data collection methods, modes of survey analysis, quantitative analysis, questionnaire design, research design, sampling, survey error, and structural equation modeling.
Connected Careers
Social Sciences, Other.
Any program in general social sciences not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Anthropology, General.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of human beings, their antecedents and related primates, and their cultural behavior and institutions, in comparative perspective. Includes instruction in biological/physical anthropology, primatology, human paleontology and prehistoric archeology, hominid evolution, anthropological linguistics, ethnography, ethnology, ethnohistory, socio-cultural anthropology, psychological anthropology, research methods, and applications to areas such as medicine, forensic pathology, museum studies, and international affairs.
Connected Careers
Physical and Biological Anthropology.
A program that focuses on the application of the biological sciences and anthropology to the study of the adaptations, variability, and the evolution of human beings and their living and fossil relatives. Includes instructions in anthropology, human and mammalian anatomy, cell biology, paleontology, human culture and behavior, neuroscience, forensic anthropology, anatomical reconstruction, comparative anatomy, and laboratory science and methods.
Connected Careers
Medical Anthropology.
A program that focuses on biological, socio-cultural, psychological, and behavioral factors as they relate to health, illness, medical practices, and access to health care services. Includes instruction in ethno-medicine, urban health, international health, psychiatric and psychological anthropology, aging, and health and identity.
Connected Careers
Cultural Anthropology.
A program that focuses on the study of culture and the relationship of culture to other aspects of social life. Includes instruction in cultural anthropology, anthropological theory, enthnography, linguistics, and quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Connected Careers
Forensic Anthropology.
A program that focuses on the application of the biological sciences and skeletal anthropology in medicolegal death investigations. Includes instruction in biological anthropology theory, crime scene investigation, forensic anthropology field methods, forensic anthropological techniques and procedures, human anatomy, methods of human identification, mortuary archaeology, osteology, and taphonomy.
Connected Careers
Anthropology, Other.
Any instructional program in Anthropology not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
A program that focuses on the systematic study of extinct societies, and the past of living societies, via the excavation, analysis and interpretation of their artifactual, human, and associated remains. Includes instruction in archeological theory, field methods, dating methods, conservation and museum studies, cultural and physical evolution, and the study of specific selected past cultures.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
A program that focuses on the systematic study of crime as a sociopathological phenomenon, the behavior of criminals, and the social institutions evolved to respond to crime. Includes instruction in the theory of crime, psychological and social bases of criminal behavior, social value systems and the theory of punishment, criminal law and criminal justice systems, penology, rehabilitation and recidivism, studies of specific types of crime, social attitudes and policy, and applications to specific issues in law enforcement administration and policy.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Demography and Population Studies.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of population models and population phenomena, and related problems of social structure and behavior. Includes instruction in population growth, spatial distribution, mortality and fertility factors, migration, dynamic population modeling, population estimation and projection, mathematical and statistical analysis of population data, population policy studies, and applications to problems in economics and government planning.
Connected Careers
Applied Demography.
A program of study that focuses on the practical application of demographic methods and materials for decision-making in business, education, health, and government. Includes instruction in statistics, research methods, geographic information systems, and demographic methods and techniques.
Connected Careers
Demography, Other.
Any instructional program in demography not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Economics, General.
A general program that focuses on the systematic study of the production, conservation and allocation of resources in conditions of scarcity, together with the organizational frameworks related to these processes. Includes instruction in economic theory, micro- and macroeconomics, comparative economic systems, money and banking systems, international economics, quantitative analytical methods, and applications to specific industries and public policy issues.
Connected Careers
Applied Economics.
A program that focuses on the application of economic principles and analytical techniques to the study of particular industries, activities, or the exploitation of particular resources. Includes instruction in economic theory; microeconomic analysis and modeling of specific industries, commodities; the economic consequences of resource allocation decisions; regulatory and consumer factors; and the technical aspects of specific subjects as they relate to economic analysis.
Connected Careers
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of mathematical and statistical analysis of economic phenomena and problems. Includes instruction in economic statistics, optimization theory, cost/benefit analysis, price theory, economic modeling, and economic forecasting and evaluation.
Connected Careers
Development Economics and International Development.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of the economic development process and its application to the problems of specific countries and regions. Includes instruction in economic development theory, industrialization, land reform, infrastructural development, investment policy, the role of governments and business in development, international development organizations, and the study of social, health, and environmental influences on economic development.
Connected Careers
International Economics.
A program that focuses on the systematic study and analysis of international commercial behavior and trade policy. Includes instruction in international trade theory, tariffs and quotas, commercial policy, trade factor flows, international finance and investment, currency regulation and trade exchange rates and markets, international trade negotiation, and international payments and accounting policy.
Connected Careers
Economics, Other.
Any instructional program in economics not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
A program that focuses on the systematic study of the spatial distribution and interrelationships of people, natural resources, plant and animal life. Includes instruction in historical and political geography, cultural geography, economic and physical geography, regional science, cartographic methods, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and applications to areas such as land-use planning, development studies, and analyses of specific countries, regions, and resources.
Connected Careers
Geographic Information Science and Cartography.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of map-making and the application of mathematical, computer, and other techniques to the analysis of large amounts of geographic data and the science of mapping geographic information. Includes instruction in cartographic theory and map projections, computer-assisted cartography, geographic information systems, map design and layout, photogrammetry, air photo interpretation, remote sensing, spatial analysis, geodesy, cartographic editing, and applications to specific industrial, commercial, research, and governmental mapping problems.
Connected Careers
Geography, Other.
Any instructional program in geography not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
International Relations and Affairs.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of international politics and institutions, and the conduct of diplomacy and foreign policy. Includes instruction in international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, international law and organization, the comparative study of specific countries and regions, and the theory and practice of diplomacy.
Connected Careers
National Security Policy Studies.
A program that focuses on the theory and application of intelligence, diplomacy, military power, and related tools of statecraft to national defense policy formulation and power projection. Includes instruction in history, political theory, public policy analysis, civil-military relations, military and defense studies, homeland security, leadership, threat scenarios, regional and local issues, alliance and coalition issues, defense budgeting and economics, intelligence, and strategy.
Connected Careers
International Relations and National Security Studies, Other.
Any instructional program in international relations and national security studies not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Political Science and Government, General.
A general program that focuses on the systematic study of political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in political philosophy, political theory, comparative government and politics, political parties and interest groups, public opinion, political research methods, studies of the government and politics of specific countries, and studies of specific political institutions and processes.
Connected Careers
American Government and Politics (United States).
A program that focuses on the systematic study of United States political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in American political theory, political parties and interest groups, state and local governments, Constitutional law, federalism and national institutions, executive and legislative politics, judicial politics, popular attitudes and media influences, political research methods, and applications to the study of specific issues and institutions.
Connected Careers
Canadian Government and Politics.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of Canadian political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in British and North American political theory, political parties and interest groups, provincial and local governments, Constitutional law, federalism and national institutions, executive and legislative politics, judicial politics, popular attitudes and media influences, political research methods, and applications to the study of specific issues and institutions.
Connected Careers
Political Economy.
A program that focuses on the interaction between politics and economics in the formation of public policy. Includes instruction in microeconomics; macroeconomics; political theory; American, comparative, and international political economy; and quantitative methods.
Connected Careers
Political Science and Government, Other.
Any instructional program in political science and government not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Sociology, General.
A program that focuses on the systematic study of human social institutions and social relationships. Includes instruction in social theory, sociological research methods, social organization and structure, social stratification and hierarchies, dynamics of social change, family structures, social deviance and control, and applications to the study of specific social groups, social institutions, and social problems.
Connected Careers
Applied/Public Sociology.
A program that focuses on the application of sociological theory, methods, skills, and research to resolve particular issues in real-world settings. Includes instruction in data collection, group and organizational dynamics, participatory action research, program evaluation, sociological research methods, and sociological theory.
Connected Careers
Rural Sociology.
A program that focuses on the structure and function of rural societies. Includes instruction in sociological theory, research methods, statistics, sociology of agriculture, community development, social and economic development, demography, rural poverty, gender roles in rural societies, and environmental sociology.
Connected Careers
Sociology, Other.
Any instructional program in sociology not listed above.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Urban Studies/Affairs.
A program that focuses on the application of social science principles to the study of urban institutions and the forces influencing urban social and political life. Includes instruction in urban theory, the development and evolution of urban areas, urban sociology, principles of urban and social planning, and the politics and economics of urban government and services.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Sociology and Anthropology.
A program that combines sociology and anthropology to study how society is organized, the origins and development of social institutions, social change, social organizations, race, class, gender and culture.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Geography and Anthropology.
A program that focuses on human cultures and their adaptation to physical environments. Includes instruction in archaeology, biogeography, climatology, cultural anthropology, cultural geography, economic development, environmental geography, geomorphology, global environmental change, historical geography, mapping sciences, physical anthropology, political ecology, Quaternary studies, and urban geography.
Connected Careers
For description refer the sub course(s)
Social Sciences, Other.
Any instructional program in social sciences not listed above.
Connected Careers
Note* - Course Data Adopted from the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)