3231- Opticians

Canada NOC: 
Job Title: 


Job Description: 

Opticians fit clients with prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, assist clients in the selection of eyeglass frames, arrange for the production of eyeglasses or contact lenses and mount lenses in eyeglass frames. They are employed in optical retail outlets or other establishments with optical dispensing departments, or they may be self-employed. Student opticians and opticians who are managers of optical retail outlets are included in this unit group.

Main Duties: 

Opticians perform some or all of the following duties:

Obtain specifications for eyeglasses or contact lenses from a prescription prepared by an ophthalmologist or optometrist or by analyzing the client's eyeglasses or contact lenses and by measuring client's eye curvature, pupillary distance and bridge width, using optical measuring devices
Assist clients in selecting eyeglasses by advising on lens materials, frames, tints and anti-reflection coating
Advise on use and care of contact lenses
Arrange for grinding and polishing of lenses or grind and polish lenses
Cut and edge lenses and fit lenses into frames
Adjust finished eyeglasses to fit client
May supervise or manage the activities of other opticians or student opticians.

Employment Requirements: 

Completion of a two- or three-year college program in ophthalmic dispensing or optical sciences is required.
Licensing by a regulatory body for opticians is required in all provinces.
Licensing requirements for scope of practice and protected titles related to dispensing and contact lens certification vary by province.

Classified Elsewhere: 

Managers of optical retail outlets or of optical dispensing departments who are not opticians (in 0621 Retail and wholesale trade managers)
Ocularists (in 3219 Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health))
Ophthalmologists (in 3111 Specialist physicians)
Optical lab technicians (in 3414 Other assisting occupations in support of health services)
Optometrists (3121)

Similar O*NET Careers (USA) : 
International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

National Occupation Classification, (2011)

Statistics Canada and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada,

February 2012,

Catalogue no. 12-583-X