2261- Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians

Canada NOC: 
Job Title: 

Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians

Job Description: 

Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians operate radiographic, ultrasonic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and similar testing equipment to detect discontinuities in objects of various compositions and materials. They are employed by quality control, maintenance and safety departments of manufacturing, processing, transportation, energy and other companies and by private industrial inspection establishments.

Main Duties: 

Non-destructive testers and inspection technicians perform some or all of the following duties:

Set up and calibrate non-destructive testing equipment
Conduct tests to ensure quality or detect discontinuities (defects) using ultrasonic, radiographic, liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and other non-destructive testing methods
Establish techniques for proper examination of objects under inspection, ensuring strict adherence to safety regulations
Interpret radiographs, cathode ray tube (CRT) or digital readouts, conductivity meters and visual indicators
Apply testing criteria in accordance with applicable specifications or standards and evaluate results
Organize and report test results
May perform specialized inspections using acoustic emission, vibration analysis, infrared thermography and laser shearography testing methods
May instruct and supervise trainees.

Employment Requirements: 

Completion of secondary school is required.
Completion of two years of an approved post-secondary science or engineering program may be required.
Additional classroom and on-the-job training is required for certification in non-destructive testing.
Non-destructive testing certification by Natural Resources Canada is available in three levels and is usually required by employers.
Industrial radiographers using a radioactive isotope must pass an examination to be recognized as a certified exposure device operator by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
Welding inspector certification by the Canadian Welding Bureau is available in three levels and may be required by employers.
Boiler and pressure vessel, process pipeline and above-ground storage tank inspector certification is available from the American Petroleum Institute.

Classified Elsewhere: 

Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers (2262)
Radiographic or ultrasonic equipment operating occupations in medical laboratories or hospitals (in 321 Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health))

Source Of Info: 

National Occupation Classification, (2011)

Statistics Canada and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada,

February 2012,

Catalogue no. 12-583-X