2221- Biological technologists and technicians

Canada NOC: 
Job Title: 

Biological technologists and technicians

Job Description: 

Biological technologists and technicians provide technical support and services to scientists, engineers and other professionals working in fields such as agriculture, resource management, environmental protection, plant and animal biology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology and health sciences, or may work independently in these fields. They are employed in both laboratory and field settings by governments, manufacturers of food products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, biotechnology companies, health, research and educational institutions, environmental consulting companies, and resource and utilities companies.

Main Duties: 

Biological technologists and technicians perform some or all of the following duties:

Biological technologists
Set up and conduct biological, microbiological and biochemical tests and laboratory analyses in support of research and quality control in food production, sanitation, pharmaceutical production, biotechnology and other fields
Apply methods and techniques such as microscopy, histochemistry, chromatography, electrophoresis and spectroscopy
Perform experimental procedures in agriculture, plant breeding, animal husbandry, biology and biomedical research
Conduct field research and surveys to collect data and samples of water, soil, and plant and animal populations
Conduct environmental monitoring and compliance activities for the protection of fisheries stock, wildlife and other natural resources
Analyze data and prepare reports
Conduct or supervise operational programs such as fish hatchery, greenhouse and livestock production programs.
Biological technicians
Assist in conducting biological, microbiological and biochemical tests and laboratory analyses
Perform limited range of technical functions in support of agriculture, plant breeding, animal husbandry, biology, biomedical research and environmental protection
Assist in conducting field research and surveys to collect data and samples of water, soil, and plant and animal populations
Assist in analysis of data and preparation of reports.

Employment Requirements: 

Completion of a two- to three-year college program in a field related to agriculture, biology, microbiology, wildlife or resource management is usually required for employment as a biological technologist.
Completion of a one- to two-year college program in a related field is required for employment as a biological technician.
Certification with provincial associations is available, but voluntary.

Additional Inormation: 

There is limited mobility among occupations in this group.
Some technologists and technicians working in support of government and academic research in biology are university graduates.

Classified Elsewhere: 

Agricultural and fish products inspectors (2222)
Biochemistry technologists and biochemistry laboratory technicians (in 2211 Chemical technologists and technicians)
Biologists and related scientists (2121)
Biomedical engineering technologists (in 2241 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians)
Conservation and fishery officers (2224)
Forestry technologists and technicians (2223)
Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants (3212)
Medical laboratory technologists (3211)

Source Of Info: 

National Occupation Classification, (2011)

Statistics Canada and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada,

February 2012,

Catalogue no. 12-583-X