2114- Meteorologists and climatologists

Canada NOC: 
Job Title: 

Meteorologists and climatologists

Job Description: 

Meteorologists and climatologists analyze and forecast weather, provide consultation on atmospheric phenomena and conduct research into the processes and phenomena of weather, climate and atmosphere. They are employed by all levels of government, natural resources and utility companies, the media and private consulting firms, or they may be self-employed.

Main Duties: 

Meteorologists and climatologists perform some or all of the following duties:

Analyze and interpret data obtained from meteorological stations, radar and satellite imagery and computer model output
Produce weather forecasts and provide weather consulting services for industries such as aviation, marine, agriculture and tourism, and to the general public
Disseminate weather forecasts and reports to the general public through a variety of media including radio, television, print and the Internet
Conduct research and provide consultation on the processes and determinants of atmospheric phenomena, weather and climate, atmospheric dispersion, and physical and chemical transformation of pollutants
Develop and test mathematical computer models of weather and climate for experimental or operational use
Analyze the impact of industrial projects and human activity on the climate and quality of the air and work with the social science, engineering and economic communities to develop appropriate mitigation strategies
Participate in studies of the effect of weather on the environment
Provide consultation and advice to outside agencies, professionals, or researchers regarding the use and interpretation of climatological information
Make scientific presentations, publish reports, articles or popular texts for specialists, users or the general public
May engage in the design and development of new equipment and procedures for meteorological data collection, remote sensing, or for related applications.

Employment Requirements: 

A bachelor's or master's degree in meteorology, atmospheric sciences or in a related field is required.
A doctoral degree is usually required for employment as a research scientist in meteorology.
Formal training is provided by Environment Canada for operational meteorologists employed by the federal government.
Membership in the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society is available, but voluntary, for qualified meteorologists.

Classified Elsewhere: 

Announcers who broadcast weather forecasts (in 5231 Announcers and other broadcasters)

Similar O*NET Careers (USA) : 
International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

National Occupation Classification, (2011)

Statistics Canada and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada,

February 2012,

Catalogue no. 12-583-X