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261112-Systems Analyst
ANZSCO code:
Job Title:
Systems Analyst
Job Description:
Evaluates processes and methods used in existing ICT systems, proposes modifications, additional system components or new systems to meet user needs as expressed in specifications and other documentation.
- working with users to formulate and document business requirements
- identifying, investigating, and analysing business processes, procedures and work practices
- identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system functionality and behaviour
- using project management methodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost, resource and manage projects
- taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system
- creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes
- developing functional specifications for use by system developers
- using data and process modelling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and development of system software
- acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system project decision making process
Job Group:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience and/or relevant vendor certification may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Similar O*NET Careers (USA) :
International Careers(ISCO):
Source Of Info:
Reference Australian Bureau of Statistics
1220.0 - ANZSCO -- Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.367