
ANZSCO code: 
Job Title: 


Job Description: 

Prevents, diagnoses and treats disorder of the feet. Registration or licensing is required.


Podiatric Surgeon

  • examining patients' feet to determine the nature and extent of conditions, deformities and injuries
  • examining and treating foot disabilities caused by diseases such as diabetes, peripheral vascular disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and other neuropathies
  • prescribing and arranging the fabrication of footwear to correct foot abnormalities
  • performing minor surgery to remove and improve abnormal conditions
  • prescribing and fitting replaceable pads, palliative and functional supports and other devices for the protection and correction of foot abnormalities
  • advising patients about continued treatment and foot care
  • may provide rehabilitation services to the physically handicapped
  • may refer patients to or have patients referred from Medical Practitioners
Job Group: 



In Australia and New Zealand:

Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing is required.

International Careers(ISCO): 
Source Of Info: 

Reference Australian Bureau of Statistics
1220.0 - ANZSCO -- Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.311